The (award winning) ladies of undead podcasting are back, and this time we’ve finally managed to get our hands and eyeballs on the Dead Lantern magnum opus Outpost Doom! We give our thoughts on the flick and the emerging talent behind it. We also manage to get the lead actor’s name wrong—for the record, it’s Jeremy, not Braden. Oopsie!
We talk with none other than Ax Wound zine maven and Women in Horror Month founder (and our new No. 1 girlie crush) Hannah Neurotica, who chats us up about the new annual February genre-lady lovefest (WIHM), reclaiming the term scream queen and all manner horror related feminist-y sorts of things.
Randiskull steps in and gives me an excuse to geek-out over Heavy Rain (which, incidentally, is fucking fantastic), Plants vs. Zombies and, fresh from his hands-on of Alan Wake, spills the deets on this promising horror title.
Stay tuned for the outtakes to hear about Summer’s ladies room shanking near-miss, some political shenanigan-ery and the gravitational pull of Vinnie Barbarino‘s colossal follicle-free dome.
Oh, and happy St. Patty’s!!
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P.S. Leave us a voice mail and make us feel cool! 1 (678) 6 Z GRRLZ!
Thanks for reviewing our flick, ladies!
And Summer. Totally. I’m writing that shower scene right now 🙂
I’m right at the point where the review is about to start. I’m scared.
Thanks for letting us check it out! We were trying not to completely fan girl out but we totally dug it! I mean how could we not with Stevie-poo man of action and Mr. Van Der Beek turning in his finest performance since Rules of Attraction 🙂
And hello, finally Summers boobs will get the big screen treatment they’ve always deserved… this won’t inflate her ego at all 😛
You lovely ladies were much too kind to us. I’ll be sure to write a role for Summer into our next script. She’ll be in the short story I’m starring in of course 😀
Hey… where’s my part? 😛
I had a great time watching the movie!! It was soo much fun! I have one request about the shower sceen I don’t want to die in the shower please Mat!
Thanks for the kind review. Hope it was as fun watching it as it was making it!
shower scene actresses earn the right to decide where they want to die…just name your location 🙂
his could be Summers Bust Out Role Hahahahahah
[…] reviewed it back in episode 14 of the podcast and all had a really good time with it. So you should check it out too—and […]