Brace yourself for an epic auditory assault of geekery, because this week Rachel and Jodie do what they do best: Shamelessly dig into the minutiae of Game of Thrones. For this episode, they cover everything (and we mean everything) that has happened in the first seven episodes of season six, along with predictions for the rest of the season. Rachel proves to be an unbearably smug book reader while Jodie shows she is a great sport and G.D. (inter)National Treasure. Together they try—and likely fail—to guess who will live and die and delve deep into the murky world of internet theories and crackpottery.

(Spoiler Warning: Everything that has happened up to season 6, episode 6 is fair game in this episode, as well anything from the books, or internet fan theories.)

They also talk about what they have been watching with reviews of Uncharted 4, The Walking Dead, and, for some godforsaken reason, Gods of Egypt. Wow. Just… wow.

Stay tuned to the outtakes to find out what awkward thing Rachel does to her guests “accidentally” and what her latest hangover has to do with The Splattercast, Netflix porn, and molding plaster. Yep, you read that right.

So, were we buried under the sheer weight of our Game of Thrones geekdom? Listen to Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Bonus Episode to find out!

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