Woo hoo we’re back… no technical difficulties can keep us down forever! Did you know that some mic’s don’t work with Macs and that, despite having worked at least seven times before, can suddenly render two hours of podcasting brilliance a static-y wasteland of wasted time?

Yeah, us either.

But we got past it and are back for episode 8, which is packed to its undead gills with content–and of course plenty of our patented off-topic ramble-y nonsense! Summer and Rachel tuck into (and thoroughly spoil) the twistacular progeny from hell film, Orphan. We also discuss the celluloid travesty and wasted opportunity that is The Mutant Chronicles. We head to the trailer park to discuss upcoming horror flicks and I gush over the alien invasion movie with a message, District 9–I mean who can resist a delicious prawn? Yum!

In our customary segments we go global this week with our listener mail (from our favorite hottie crumpet Dead Lantern’s Explodey Jo), I get excited over the new horror movie trend prequel-aggedon and Randiskull joins us to talk Cursed Mountain, Left 4 Dead DLC and Ju-on!

Click here to access this ZG Archives episode as part of our Patreon!

P.S. As promised, here is the link I mention in the episode (SPOILER WARNING: for those avoiding spoilers of Orphan’s twist DO  NOT) click here!